Democracy and the Rule of Law
Presentation of the Programme
The possibility of becoming involved, of expressing one’s opinion and participating in political decisions, as well as the existence of an independent legal system before which all individuals are equal are necessary for human dignity and constitute the foundation of democracy.
For the past two decades, however, urgent security concerns and the need to react quickly and remain competitive are used as excuses to weaken the rule of law, checks and balances, and the participation of citizens, to the benefit of an authoritarian idea of power.
All over the world, including Europe, we are witnessing an alarming decline in democracy. What is needed is a new start, and even a deepening of democracy in a context where modes of engagement are changing.
Sub-Programmes and Beneficiaries
DEM1. Right of Association and Civil Liberties
DEM2. Information for Democracy
DEM3. Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence
DEM4. Protecting Whistleblowers and Fighting Corruption